Make use of coupons and get rebates when you shop online! These are just a few of the many great benefits you can have when you do the buying online. You shop yet you also save a lot. But where can you find all these saving-benefits?
You can visit an excellent coupon sites, Dot Rebates, to get you started. Good deals and coupon codes are all for your shopping needs. Some of the best deals need no coupon at all, but if there’s a good deal and a coupon to go with it, all the better. Their cash back on stores tops other shopping websites like FatWallet and Ebates.
Who doesn’t need extra money back on every purchase? Dot Rebates can give you up to 40% cash back! They will send money to your Paypal account or send you a check.
The hundreds of online stores are divided into 27 different categories for your convenience. From cars to electronics to food stores, you’ll find the best bargains from popular stores online.
How Dot Rebates differs from the rest? It is unique because you are not required to sign-up for an account in order to receive a rebate. Just shop using the site's links, shop in the merchant’s store, then go back to Dot Rebates to file your rebates. That is how easy to get your money back. With their revolutionary system, once you submit for cash back it can get approved in as quick as 24 business hours and paid (with PayPal). Or you request for checks that will arrive within 7-10 business days of getting approved.
Other benefits:
- No emails ever. Announcements and support messages are accessible after logging in.
- Easily file rebates, track rebate status and payment status.
- Lifetime cash back on every referral
- Integrated store rating system and commenting on stores.
- Integrated support system in website
The referral system is also rewarding. You will get a lifetime pay on every rebate ever filed by anyone you ever refer. - Cash Back Shopping is one of the best sites you can ever have. Try it.
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