Let us play a little game. If for instance I found the personal information of a rich and popular actor, what would I do? See the photo and guess who I am.
I may pretend that I am him. Sure. I will sail from island to island with my own ship, not as a crew member but as a captain and battle enemy ships while in route. I will purchase a resort in my favorite city Florida – a house near the beach, with the sand, sea and sun. The rest of my gold will go for my world travels. Maybe a few bucks will be spent on real estate investments. Maybe few condominium purchases in Europe and in other romantic places in the world.
Well, that is me when acting as someone else’ identity.
But of course, that wouldn’t happen in real life as I cannot imagine the possibility if someone else is impersonating me and using my personal information to enrich himself or herself on my expense. That is scary and I cannot afford that to happen to my finances.
Identity theft is something all of us must be conscious about. It can happen to anyone at any time. Nobody is safe if no one cares to have an identity protection. The only way to prevent someone from using your personal information is to protect yourself through a lifelock.
Beware of identity theft! Otherwise the pirate will steal your identity.
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