This is nice way to promote a University. I love the Stickman idea! This is incredible, smart and witty approach to promotion.
In the video below, Stickman answers the questions from his fan mail. Questions are very interesting, quite funny and the answers too! Couple with the Stickman cartoons, who could not love the character promoting the Kettering University?
Check out the video and then visit Kettering University to find out why their Stickman videos rules! Here is the video:
Kettering is a hands-on school. The learning and education comes from actually doing what it is you are studying to do versus just reading everything out from a text book.
To prove that the university is excellent in so many aspects, Kettering University is ranked as "the #1 University in the nation for Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering" in its annual "America's Best Colleges Guide for 2008". It has top ranked undergraduate programs in engineering, math, science and business.
As one of US News Best Colleges, it is a highly recommended school and puts it at the top of the list. If you are planning to take mechanical engineering, try Kettering University and you'd be happy to be there.
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