Another round of tips for all of you guys! This time about loans. Here are basic tips that will help you make an informed decision about what kind of loan to get, and whom to get it from. Are you after for homeowner loans, bridging loans or debt consolidation secured loan?
Questions you need to consider before getting a loan:
1. Do you really need a loan? Ask yourself that question many times.
2. Can you survive without it? Maybe you can. Maybe you don't need a loan just yet.
3. What about getting the money by other ways, such as doing a part-time job, or maybe borrowing from a relative?
If you can avoid a loan, avoid it. But if you really need it, then read further.
1. Take note of the interest rate, consider the arrangement fees and prepayment penalties.
2. Keep your credit line as small as possible as loan officers count the total line of credit available as a liability.
3. Pay your debts before the due date. You don't want to be buried in the interest, do you?
4. Please do not put your family at risk by getting a home equity credit line to pay off your credit-card debts.
5. Shop for rates when the market is calm.
6. Always keep a copy of every check you issue.
There are still other tips for secured loans, I'll post it some other time.
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